Refund and Returns Policy

Refund and Returns Policy

Subscription Fees

  • Credit card holder’s account is automatically charged on the same date as the original transaction date on each corresponding month or on final date of month if no corresponding date (January 31, 2020 subscription renews on February 28, 2020).
  • Discounts, rebates or other special offers only valid for initial term; subscriptions renew at the then-current full subscription rates.
  • may terminate the subscription and these terms if it is unable to renew the subscription based on inaccurate or outdated credit card information.
  • Right of access granted under these Terms is effective only upon payment of the subscription fees.

Cancelling Account

  • You can cancel your subscription by emailing with the Subject Line: ” Cancel Subscription”.
  • The only valid method for canceling your Plan is via the email cancellation request provided above, accessibility after cancelation will be limited to the current paid month. 
  • Once you cancel your membership subscription, you will not lose access immediately, access will be terminated on your next billing cycle.
  • Your membership will continue through the end of your current billing cycle. For example: If your credit card is charged on the 10th of the month and you cancel on April 25th, you will not lose access until the May 10th.


  • Subscription fees are non-refundable; except that you may cancel renewed subscription by contacting within two (2) calendar days after renewal date and receive a full refund of the new subscription fees. 

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.

One Realtor Solution

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